Fixed Price Letting is the future for the lettings market, we answer the questions Landlords have been asking about value from lettings agents.
Our national coverage brings an economy of scale to the table that has never been seen before in the UK property market.
Landlords have seen profits reduced by increased taxation and rising stamp duty. We can show you how to maximise your profits by significantly reducing your overheads.
Our Landlords receive a better service but and a fraction of the price.
The internet has revolutionised the way a modern Lettings and Property Management company is operated; services are streamlined and high street offices are replaced by centralised support centres.
By utilising back office systems built specifically to service and support our Landlords, we offer access to your property file and accounts 24/7 for 365 days of the year.
Services such as rent collection, debt management, contract issue and renewal, and even maintenance are all dealt with centrally.
When a more hands on approach is required, such as viewings or inspection visits, our countrywide network of representatives is ready to get involved.
This economy of scale allows us to provide a first class service and reduce your costs substantially.
The days of paying high percentage management fees of 10% to 15% have gone. The days of paying a lower fixed fee have arrived and are here to stay.
Why should a landlord pay 10% of a £2,000pm rent on one property and 10% of £1,000pm rent on another property? Why is the cost of one twice the cost of the other when the work involved is exactly the same.
Our prices for property management start from £60.00pcm (+vat) depending on the level of service you require, some Landlords require us to just collect rent and take care of the legalities, others require a complete management and maintenance package.
All our customers are different and no two landlords are the same, our prices and packages are just as bespoke depending on the level of service you require. Some Landlords require us to just collect rent and take care of the legalities, others require a complete management and maintenance package.
I was a little dubious to say the least, I didn’t think you guys could provide the services you promised at the price you quoted. I was wrong, well done Fixed Price Letting and keep up the good work.
Mr Greener
Thanks for all of your help and support, as a first time landlord I am grateful for your guidance and won’t hesitate to recommend you.
Mr Ganderton
Low cost letting fees and an excellent service, amazing stuff. I was worried that swapping agents would be awkward but you did it all for me, now my portfolio is back in profit.
Mrs Serbul
I can’t believe how much money you have saved me each month, my last agent was taking 12.5% and ignoring my calls ! It is nice to feel valued again and I am loving the Landlord portal, thanks for all your hard work.
Miss Blackmore
At Fixed Price Letting our mission is to succeed in providing a new type of low cost lettings experience in the UK.
It will start when you contact us for an initial discussion, give us a call or fill in our online enquiry form, we will do the rest.
We will make you an offer you can’t refuse, then you sit back and enjoy the journey!
At Fixed Price Letting our mission is to succeed in providing a new type of low cost lettings experience in the UK.
It will start when you contact us for an initial discussion, give us a call or fill in our online enquiry form, we will do the rest.
We will make you an offer you can’t refuse, then you sit back and enjoy the journey!